What We Serve
Criminal Matters
If you find yourself facing charges for a summary conviction offense in the Greater Toronto Area, it is imperative to consider the engagement of a skilled criminal defense paralegal. Haider Khan Legal is distinguished for its expertise in managing summary conviction cases, bolstered by specialized training designed to effectively counter all charges of this nature. Opting for a criminal defense paralegal ensures you receive dedicated and focused representation, offering a more cost-effective solution compared to engaging a lawyer. It is important to note that a majority of criminal summary conviction cases can be addressed with straightforward defense strategies. However, attorneys often levy substantial fees for these basic services. By choosing a paralegal from Haider Khan Legal as your defense advocate, you not only benefit from considerable financial savings but also gain access to an experienced and professional representative with a specialization in your specific case category. Furthermore, our firm extends its legal services to more complex indictable criminal cases, in collaboration with our network of affiliate lawyers. Please review the information below for an overview of the most common case types we handle.
The goals of criminal defence our primary goal would be to help you avoid a criminal record since this can adversely impact your future employment opportunities, travel ability, and other aspects of life. This means that we look to address your criminal charge in one of the following ways:
Diversion. This is an outcome that is usually reached by negotiations with the prosecution. If a diversion is granted, you, of course, do not get a criminal record. In addition, you do not enter a guilty or not guilty plea, and the criminal charge is withdrawn entirely if and when you complete certain conditions, such as donating a certain sum of money or doing volunteer work.
Conditional discharge. This is similar, to some extent, to a diversion, except you would usually plead guilty, and have to comply with the condition of probation order during a certain period.
Acquittal. You would be acquitted if you were found not guilty after a complete criminal trial, with the examination of witnesses and evidence.
Criminal Defence
Common Charges
Following are the common charges that we defend:
​Assault & Domestic Assault
Theft Under $5,000.00
Dangerous Driving/Operation
Operation While Prohibited
Failure to Stop After Accident
Flight from Peace Officer
Disorderly Conduct
Causing disturbance
Fraud Under $5,000.00
Criminal Harassment
Uttering Threats
Credit Card Fraud
Trespassing or Loitering
Obstructing Justice
Certain firearm offences
Possession of Stolen Property
Peace Bond Hearing
Criminal Pardons
Indecent/Harassing Communications
Disobeying Order of The Court
Contravene restraint order
Causing a Disturbance
Failure to Comply with Order or Summons
Publication of Intimate Images
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Haider Khan Legal is often successful in getting the charges you are facing withdrawn on the basis of a diversionary program. In Ontario, the adult diversion program is referred to as “Diversion”, “Alternative Measures Program” or AMP. Although programs will vary between regions, the Crown’s office may be willing to consider an accused to be eligible for diversion if (but not limited to):
You are a first-time offender if on a theft charge
Only a small quantity of merchandise was stolen and the merchandise was returned or recovered
If it is a drug possession charge, only a small amount of the drug was found on the person
Requirements in the diversion program vary, ranging from apology letters, community service, and modest charitable donations. If Haider Khan Legal is able to facilitate getting you accepted into Alternative Measures and you successfully complete the program, the charges will be withdrawn. This means that you get to keep a clean criminal record and avoid the expense and embarrassment of a trial. An experienced legal professional may persuade the Crown Attorney to admit them into the program. Haider Khan Legal can help.
Remember, If a criminal defence lawyer or paralegal can raise a reasonable doubt about any of the essential elements of the offence, the accused is entitled to be found not guilty.
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